
The acarofauna associated with Carabidae (Coleoptera) in Belgium is studied. About 1000 mites were collected from 19 sites from 155 carabid beetles belonging to 21 species and 8 genera. The mites belonged to 12 species, 8 genera, 8 families and 3 orders. AlI mites were found beneath the elytra of the beetles except the hypopi of the Histiostomatidae which were found attached to the body. A new species ofAntennoseius, A. calathi n. sp. (Ascidae), is described from Calathus microptems and Pterostichus diligens. More than half of the mites of our collections were deutonymphs belonging to 2 species of the genus Halodarcia Karg (Halolaelapidae) Le. H. incideta Karg, 1969 and Halodarcia sp. RESUME - L'acarofaune associee aux Carabidae (Coleoptera) de Belgique est etudiee. Environ 1000 acariens ont ete recoltes dans 19 sites et sur 155 carabides appartenant a 21 especes et 8 genres. Les acariens recoltes font partie de 12 especes, 8 genres, 8 familles et 3 ordres. Tous ces acariens furent decouverts sous les elytres de leurs hotes excepte des hypopes d'Histiostomatidae qui etaient attaches au corps des Carabides. Une nouvelle espece d'Antennoseius,A. calathi n. sp. (Ascidae) est decrite de Calathus microptems et Pterostichus diligens. Plus de la moitie du nombre total d'acariens recoltes etait constituee de deutonymphes appartenant a 2 especes du genre Halodarcia Karg (Halolaelapidae): H. incideta Karg, 1969 et Halodarcia sp.

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