
The Andean Ibis (Theristicus branickii) occurs in the high Andes of Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador. In Ecuador, it occurs primarily in the Antisana Volcano highlands and is currently considered “Critically Endangered” at the national level. Little information is known about its ecology and reproductive biology. The goal of this study was to understand its reproduction patterns. Research was carried out in Antisana Ecological Reserve during November 2017–May 2018. Four active nests were discovered and studied: two from hatching and two after hatching. We used direct observations and camera traps to study parental care and nestling growth. Nests were located near waterfalls in the Antisana River drainage. Andean Ibis hatching was asynchronous within approximately 48 h in the same nest. Preliminary total survival rate was estimated as 50%. The incubation period lasted c. 27 days, and nestlings fledged after 2 months.

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