
Two Lesser Jacana nests were found in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe and were observed over a period of four months beginning in March 2000. Both sexes were involved in preparing the breeding platform, incubation, and caring for the chicks, which were not carried by the adults. Both nests had three eggs. The incubation period for one clutch of eggs was not less than 19 days. The chicks all hatched on the same day and remained in the vicinity ofthe nest for the first few days where they were brooded by an adult. Initially the adults brought food to the chicks but the chicks started feeding themselves when they moved away from the nest. Ten days after hatching the chicks had doubled in size and were walking confidently with the attending adult some distance from the nest. First flight was seen at 32 days old, and the chicks appeared to be independent 63 days after hatching.

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