
Accessory parathyroid tissue unassociated with the thyroid lobes is present in 5 to 6 per cent. of dogs. For the determination of the presence of accessory parathyroid tissue there are two tests: (1) the anatomical, often entailing serial sections of the neck and upper thoracic structures, and (2) the biological, consisting of the daily use of some calcium salt for two to three weeks. The latter is more easily carried out and more accurate. In the absence of all parathyroid tissue calcium salts will not save the animal's life, while in the presence of active parathyroid tissue calcium will save it. Many factors other than the amount of parathyroid tissue removed influence the onset of tetany, among which are age, pregnancy, lactation, rachitis, the administration of sulphur, and diet. Pregnancy and lactation tetany in dogs resembles in all essentials parathyroid tetany. Our observations are in harmony with those who hold that the thyroid and parathyroid are independent structures as regards their anatomy, physiology, and pathology. The removal of the parathyroids immediately lowers alimentary sugar tolerance, but rarely to the degree of constant glycosuria. In sharp contrast with thyroid substance in myxedema, the feeding of parathyroid substance fresh or dried by mouth is of no value in the parathyroid tetanies of dogs. Calcium salts have a striking palliative effect on parathyroid tetany and preventative action in tiding over otherwise fatal cases, but are in no sense curative. The mode of action is unknown. There is some evidence that calcium salts directly influence the parathyroid gland.

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