
One new species is added to the Tasmanian list; Amrnotretis elongatus McCulloch, 1914, from Goose Island, Furneaux Group, Bass Strait. A detailed account, with table of dimensions, is given for two examples of Trygonorrhina fasciata Muller & Henle, 1841 (rulinobatidae). It has hitherto been assumed the Tasmanian fiddler ray is the typical subspecies: however, the present paterial is determined as T. f. guanerius Whitley, 1932. Other species noted are: Dinolestes lewini (Griffith, 1834) (Apogonidae), general specifications of a sample of eight specimens, with extensions of published meristic and morphometric ranges, Beryx decadactylus Cuvier, 1829, B. decadactylus (Gunther, 1859) (Berycidae), Paratrachichthys trailli (Hutton, 1875) (Trachichthydae), the treatment of the last three species including detailed morphometry and various aspects of body form, with some comparison between them.

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