
Hollow-bearing trees are recognised as essential habitat features for insectivorous bats and provide sites for mating, the rearing of young, hibernation, protection from predators, and social interaction. The characteristics of hollow-bearing trees used as roosts by insectivorous bats in Australia are poorly known. To help fill this gap, this note presents data on tree roost characteristics for the yellow-bellied sheathtail-bat (Saccolaimus flaviventris) obtained from northern New South Wales, Australia. Of the 19 roost trees observed, most were live Eucalyptus albens trees with an incomplete crown with substantial numbers of dead limbs. Roosts selected were, on average, 9.3 m high with an entrance diameter of 12.7 cm in trees with a mean diameter at breast height of 49.5 cm. All entrance hollows were located at the end of a rotten spout formed when a branch had broken off the tree. These observations are some of the first to document the characteristics of roost trees for this species in New South Wales and this information can be used by land managers to identify and retain suitable roosting habitat for S. flaviventris in the landscape.

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