
The life history of the lung fluke, Paragonimus, has been reported by Ameel (1934). Records of its North American hosts and distribution were summarized by LaRue and Ameel (1937). Since then, Paragonimus has been reported from the oppossum in Tennessee (Byrd and Reiber, 1942), the red fox in Minnesota (Erickson, 1944), and the house cat in eastern North Carolina (Hardcastle, 1941). The present paper extends the range and adds to the list of hosts of the lung fluke. The taxonomy of the genus Paragoninus in North America remains unsettled; some workers recognize Paragonimus kellicotti Ward, while others consider this only a synonym of P. westermani (Kerbert). In the absence of any decision as to the validity of the name given by Ward to the North American form, specimens examined during the present study are assigned to P. kellicotti.

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