
SUMMARY Clinical and pathological studies have been made on 15 cases of osteosarcomata in dogs and attempts at treatment in 2 cases are described. Serum albumin-globulin ratios were found to be reduced and serum alkaline phosphatase levels increased, but these findings are not specific for this condition. Examination of 3 sera showed the alkaline phosphatase activity to be confined to the alpha-2 globulin fraction, as is the case with normal adult dog sera. Tissue extracts of osteosarcomata, showing alkaline phosphatase activity, demonstrated two different patterns; one in which the main activity was in the beta globulin fraction and one in which the activity was diffusely spread through the albumen, alpha and beta globulins. Arteriography has shown vascular changes similar to those seen in malignant disease of bone in man. Tumour blood supply has also been studied in one case, using Lissamine green intravenously, and was found to be reduced at the periphery of viable and necrotic tumour tissue. Treatment of one dog with triethylene thiophosphoramide resulted in a regression of the tumour mass, but this was of a very temporary nature. A second dog with bilateral osteosarcomata of the radii was treated by intra-arterial injections of triethylene thiophosphoramide and by limb perfusion, using nitrogen mustard in an extracorporeal circulation. Tumour growth was significantly arrested.

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