
Endoparasitic Cordyceps species infect pest insects and other arthropods all throughout the world. Ophiocordyceps nutans like specimens were found in the Lat and Dung K’no of the Lac Duong district during entomogenous fungi forays in Bidoup Nui Ba National Park. However, observations made over the last two years (2021 - 2022) in various forest locations across different altitudinal ranges revealed that O. nutans only occurs in two high-altitude forests, with elevations between 1409 and 1589 m asl with the temperature fluctuating from 20,3 and 25,7°C. Morphological comparisons and molecular phylogenetic analyses using D1 - D2 led us to conclude that the neotropical specimens represent Ophiocordyceps nutans (Pat.). In this study, the parasitic host of O.nutans of Hemiptera and host habitas is the bark and leaves of Lasianthus bidoupensis (Rubiaceae). Because Ophiocordyceps nutans parasitize and kill different species of stinkbugs that pose a hazard to silviculture and agriculture, making it a viable biocontrol agent.

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