
We report what we believe are the first direct and unambiguous observations of simultaneous coronal magnetic flux loop shrinkage and expansion during the decay phase of a solar flare. The retracting and expanding loops were observed nearly face-on (i.e., with the loop major axis approximately orthogonal to the line of sight) in emission in imaging data from the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT). The retracting loop is observed to shrink with a speed of 118 ± 66 km s -1 . The faint outward moving loop-like feature occurred ~200´´ above the shrinking loop during the time of the shrinking loop. We estimate the speed of the outward moving loop was ~129 ± 74 km s -1 . We interpret the shrinking loop and simultaneous outward moving loop as direct evidence for reconnected magnetic field lines during a flare.

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