
Nuclear graphite serves as a moderator and structural support in British Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors (AGRs) and is a candidate for the next generation of nuclear reactors. Graphite is comprised of three main phases: binder, filler and porosity; which are dependent on the manufacturing process and raw materials. During the graphitisation process, graphite components are subjected to high temperatures which may lead to significant strains and also creation of cracks known as Mrozowski cracks. Transmission electron microscopy observations confirmed the existence of strain fields generated by Mrozowski cracks, manufacturing and neutron irradiation in multiple graphite grades. This research confirms the existence of crystal strains in filler particles and quinoline insoluble (QI) particles. The observations gathered in this research indicate that crystal strains provide different degrees of rigidity to the filler and binder phase. A comparison between crystal strains of QI particles and filler particles may explain the irradiation response of these phases.

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