
In this study, we consider an open system from the thermodynamic perspective for an adiabatic FRW universe model in which particle creation occurs within the system. In this case, the modified continuity equation is obtained, and then, we make it correspond to the continuity equation of gravity. Therefore, we take gravity with a viscous fluid in the flat-FRW metric, where T is the torsion scalar. We assume the contents of the universe to be dark matter and dark energy and consider an interaction term between them. An interesting point of this study is that we make the modified continuity equation resulting from particle creation equivalent to the matter continuity equation resulting from gravity. The result of this evaluation establishes a relationship between the number of particles and scale factor. In what follows, we write the corresponding cosmological parameters in terms of the number of particles and also reconstruct the number of particles in terms of the redshift parameter. We then parameterize the Hubble parameter derived from power-law cosmology with 51 data points from the Hubble observational parameter data. Next, we plot the corresponding cosmological parameters for dark energy in terms of the redshift to investigate the accelerated expansion of the universe. In addition, by using the sound speed parameter, we discuss the stability and instability analyses of the present model in different eras of the universe. Finally, we plot the density parameter values for dark energy and dark matter in terms of the redshift parameter.

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