
Tidal currents flowing over benthic relief (e.g., banks, shelf break) can produce large internal waves. These waves propagate away from their origin and are capable of crossing the continental shelf and seas. Studies of shoreward transport of larval invertebrates and fish by these internal waves unintentionally tested whether they can capture, concentrate and transport floating plastic. Plastic surface drifters deployed in front of sets of internal wave convergences were often captured (>90% captured) and transported kilometers by the waves. There are, however, few investigations into how internal tidal waves may affect the fate and distribution of floating plastic waste. A number of areas of future research are suggested: (1) How much floating plastic is found in internal wave convergences? (2) How buoyant must floating plastic be to be captured by internal waves? (3) Why did only some sets of internal waves cause concentration and transport of surface material? (4) Do concentration and transport of floating plastic vary over the spring/neap tidal cycle? (5) Do seasonal changes in the depth of the pycnocline alter the transport of floating plastic by internal waves? (6) Plastic debris deposited on shore may not be evenly distributed, but may be more abundant landward of sites on the shelf break that more readily generate large internal waves. (7) Internal waves that travel long distances (10–100 s of km) have the potential to accumulate large amounts of plastic debris. (8) At locations where internal waves cross the continental shelf, how far offshore does transport commence?


  • Buoyant material and organisms, e.g., floating seaweed, woody debris, plastic, buoyant, or hydrophobic pollutants and surface oriented zooplankton can become concentrated in convergence zones, areas in a body of water where surface currents converge

  • In each location we found some slicks associated with internal tidal waves that did not capture, concentrate or transport surface drifters or surface associated debris or organisms

  • Other slicks associated with internal wave convergences at these same locations, did capture and transport surface drifters with >90% of the released plastic surface drifters caught and transported by the first couple of slicks within a set of slicks

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E.g., floating seaweed, woody debris, plastic, buoyant, or hydrophobic pollutants and surface oriented zooplankton can become concentrated in convergence zones, areas in a body of water where surface currents converge. (5) Where water masses with differing physical characteristics (i.e., salinity and temperature) meet, a convergent front often is observed These types of fronts likely do not generate directional transport of the material concentrated in the convergence (Bowman and Esaias, 1978). (6) At larger scales (10 s of meters to kilometers) the swirling flow (eddies) can generate convergence zones known as Lagragian coherent structures (LCS) (Reniers et al, 2010) Eddies at this scale tend to move with the current in which they are imbedded and change and evolve with time, the associated LCS convergence zones, while capable of capturing floating material including plastics (Gove et al, 2019), are ephemeral

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