
For pt.III see ibid., vol.9, p.509, (1992). The formulation and solution of the perturbed FLRW spherically symmetric field equations for dust are presented with observational data given on a past light cone. Observational coordinates are used. This follows from the treatment of the exact spherically symmetric observational solutions given in Stoeger et al (1992)-and is a preparation for formulating and solving the general FLRW perturbation equations in part V (ibid., vol.9, p.1725 (1992)). The authors explicitly write down both the first and second-order solutions to the perturbed field equations in terms of two unknown data functions r0+(z) and M0+(z), which represent the non-FLRW parts of the observer area distance-redshift and the mass-energy density-redshift relationships, respectively. These two functions are, in practice, given by fitting data sets by some functional form. Constructing concrete solutions using this scheme requires such functions-either presupposed or determined by actual data. Finally, on the basis of these perturbed solutions, a criterion for 'almost FLRW' observational spacetimes is proposed, and other issues, such as that of errors and gaps in the data and their evolution, are discussed.

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