
Magnetic dipole (M1) transitions from highly charged heavy impurities have been surveyed in visible and near-UV wavelength ranges longer than 2500 A using a 1.33 m Czerny-Turner spectrometer in the Large Helical Device (LHD) for use in future visible impurity spectroscopy of D-T burning plasmas. The M1 transitions of KrXXII (Kr21+: P-like) 3s23p3 2D3/2-2D5/2 3463.75 ± 0.05 A, KrXXIII (Kr22+: Si-like) 3s23p2 3P1-3P2 3841.07 ± 0.03 A, MoXXIX (Mo28+: Si-like) 3s23p2 3P1-3P2 2842.10 ± 0.05 A, XeXXXIII (Xe32+: Ti-like) 3d4 5D3-5D2 4139.01 ± 0.02 A have been successfully observed using an external puff of Kr and Xe and an impurity pellet injection of Mo. As a result, the identication of the Ti-like XeXXXIII M1 transition, as observation for the first time in laboratory fusion plasmas, strongly suggests that the visible impurity spectroscopy of tungsten ions using Ti-like WLIII (W52+: 3626 A) instead of the conventionally used EUV spectroscopy is possible in future D-T burning plasmas.

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