
Semen analyses are the primary tool for evaluating male infertility, as semen parameters are useful for predicting potential fertility. In the field of assisted reproductive technology (ART), the single best motile spermatozoon should be selected, especially when performing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). In this context, the motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME) was developed as a method of assessing the detailed morphology of motile spermatozoa in real time at a magnification of up to 6,300× on a video system. The use of ICSI with MSOME-selected sperm is called intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI). IMSI improves the outcomes of ICSI. MSOME can be also applied to evaluate male infertility. Among MSOME parameters, the presence of sperm nuclear vacuoles is the most important finding. Large sperm nuclear vacuoles (LNV) are related not only to poor ART outcomes, but also to poor semen quality and sperm DNA damage, such as DNA fragmentation and chromatin condensation failure. It has been suggested that sperm head vacuoles are produced at earlier stages of sperm maturation. It is possible that the number of LNV can be decreased by surgical or medical treatment for male infertility. Therefore, the level of LNV has the potential to be used as an alternative parameter of semen quality and a new tool for evaluating the therapeutic effects of treatment in male patients with infertility.

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