
The resonant tunneling through single InAs quantum dots embedded in an n-GaAs/i-Al0.38Ga0.62As/n-GaAs diode has been studied by using microscopic electrophotoluminescence spectroscopy. Many sharp luminescence lines which originated from single quantum dots were observed by injecting resonant electrons from the emitter to the dots. Bias dependence of a single luminescence line was investigated. The peak intensity showed triangular dependence which was similar to the current–voltage characteristics of electron resonant tunneling from three dimension to zero dimension. When the bias voltage was increased, the peak energy slightly shifted to a lower energy indicating the existence of Stark effect, and the linewidth slightly increased. The higher the luminescence energy was, the broader the linewidth was. This result agrees with the calculated resonant level width. The lifetime of resonant states was estimated to be 2.4–27 ps for luminescence linewidth of 250–22 μeV.

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