
A Doppler free kinetic energy release spectrum of has been recorded at a line width (FWHM) of 40 - 60 meV using a coincidence time-of-flight technique. Vibrational structure has been resolved in the W , B , 1 , 1 , B and 1 electronic states. Complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) and multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI) calculations have been performed to predict vibrational levels, Franck - Condon factors and dissociation channels. For the B and 1 states, spin - orbit interaction with the 1 state leads to predissociation into the ground-state ionic pair . Spin - orbit interaction with the repulsive 1 and C states accounts for the dissociation of the B , 1 and 1 electronic states into . The W and 1 states probably dissociate by tunnelling into the ion pair through potential barriers which separate these states from the dissociation continuum.

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