
The ongoing quest for understanding nonequilibrium dynamics of complex quantum systems underpins the foundation of statistical physics as well as the development of quantum technology. Quantum many-body scarring has recently opened a window into novel mechanisms for delaying the onset of thermalization, however its experimental realization remains limited to the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ state in a Rydberg atom system. Here we realize unconventional many-body scarring in a Bose--Hubbard quantum simulator with a previously unknown initial condition -- the unit-filling state. Our measurements of entanglement entropy illustrate that scarring traps the many-body system in a low-entropy subspace. Further, we develop a quantum interference protocol to probe out-of-time correlations, and demonstrate the system's return to the vicinity of the initial state by measuring single-site fidelity. Our work makes the resource of scarring accessible to a broad class of ultracold-atom experiments, and it allows to explore its relation to constrained dynamics in lattice gauge theories, Hilbert space fragmentation, and disorder-free localization.

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