
We report on the observation of nineteen interspecies Feshbach resonances in an optically trapped ultracold Bose-Fermi mixture of ^{133}Cs and ^{6}Li in the two energetically lowest spin states. We assign the resonances to s- and p-wave molecular channels by a coupled-channels calculation, resulting in an accurate determination of LiCs ground state potentials. Fits of the resonance position based on the undressed Asymptotic Bound State model do not provide the same level of accuracy as the coupled-channels calculation. Several broad s-wave resonances provide prospects to create fermionic LiCs molecules with a large dipole moment via Feshbach association followed by stimulated Raman passage. Two of the s-wave resonances overlap with a zero crossing of the Cs scattering length which offers prospects for the investigation of polarons in an ultracold Li-Cs mixture.

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