
Ability to read-out the state of a single confined spin lies at the heart of solid-state quantum information processing. While all-optical spin measurements using Faraday rotation has been successfully implemented in ensembles of semiconductor spins, read-out of a single semiconductor spin has only been achieved using transport measurements based on spin-charge conversion. Here, we demonstrate an all-optical dispersive measurement of the spin-state of a single electron trapped in a semiconductor quantum dot. We obtain information on the spin state through conditional Faraday rotation of a spectrally detuned optical field, induced by the polarization- and spin-selective trion (charged quantum dot) transitions. To assess the sensitivity of the technique, we use an independent resonant laser for spin-state preparation. An all-optical dispersive measurement on single spins has the important advantage of channeling the measurement back-action onto a conjugate observable, thereby allowing for repetitive or continuous quantum nondemolition (QND) read-out of the spin-state. We infer from our results that there are of order unity back-action induced spin-flip Raman scattering events within our measurement timescale. Therefore, straightforward improvements such as the use of a solid-immersion lens and higher efficiency detectors would allow for back-action evading spin measurements, without the need for a cavity.

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