
Abstract Topographic Rossby waves (TRWs) play an important role in deep-ocean dynamics and abyssal intraseasonal variations. Observational records from 15 current- and pressure-recording inverted echo sounders (CPIESs) and two moorings deployed in the northern Manila Trench (MT), South China Sea (SCS), for over 400 days were utilized to analyze the widely existing near-21-day bottom-trapped TRWs in the trench. The TRWs were generally generated in winter and summer, dominated by perturbations in the upper ocean. Kuroshio intrusion and its related variabilities contributed to the perturbations in winter, whereas the perturbations generated north of Luzon Island dominated in summer. Eddies north of Luzon propagated northwestward in the summer of 2018; however, these eddies caused the Kuroshio meanderings in the Luzon Strait (LS) in the summer of 2019. The variations in the Kuroshio path and the Kuroshio-related eddies induced TRWs in the deep ocean in regions with steep topography. However, the spatiotemporal distributions of TRWs were complex owing to the propagation of the waves. Some cases of TRWs showed no relation to the local upper-layer perturbations but propagated from adjacent regions. Some of these TRWs were induced by perturbations in the upper ocean in adjacent regions, and propagated anticlockwise in the MT with shallow water to their right, while others may be related to the intraseasonal variations in deep-water overflow in the LS and propagated northward. This study suggests that the Kuroshio and Kuroshio-related eddies significantly contribute to the dynamic processes associated with intraseasonal variations in the deep SCS through the generation of TRWs. Significance Statement Topographic Rossby waves (TRWs) are fluctuations generated when water columns travel across sloping topography under potential vorticity conservation. Based on observations of 15 current- and pressure-recording inverted echo sounders (CPIESs) and two moorings in the northern Manila Trench (MT) in the South China Sea (SCS), TRWs with periods of approximately 21 days were observed and analyzed. This study describes the generation, propagation, and spatiotemporal distribution of TRWs west of the LS and confirms that regional Kuroshio meanderings and upper eddies play important roles in the dynamic processes associated with intraseasonal variations in the deep SCS; the study may thus contribute to knowledge on the dynamic response of the abyssal current to mesoscale perturbations in the upper ocean.

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