
A faint outer ring (E ring), which lies outside the classical rings A, B, C, and F, has been detected out to eight Saturn radii. We first observed it on November 1, 1979, and thereby confirmed the 1966 observation by Feibelman. Our plates were taken with a coronographic design and are specially intended for photometry. They are directly scaled in reflectance by reference to the Saturn disk which is properly attenuated. Photometry of the edge-on ring E lineament shows a strong brightness increase at small phase angles, which is compatible with scattering by particles of several microns in radius. The excess reflectivity in blue compared to the B ring implies a significant contribution of small particles in the scattering process. The E ring shows brightness and radial gradient changes, with condensations, which differ between east and west limbs and are not always the same from night to night. The E ring is probably a flat structure with a condensation centered at a distance of 4 R s, but without a simple axial symmetry. It is probably shaped by segments or lumps and may have streamerlike structures.

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