
Interacting rovibrational levels of theF1[formula]andE1[formula]states of6Li2have been excited via the optical–optical double-resonance process, (F,E)1[formula]←A1[formula]←X1[formula]. The resulting fluorescence in the region 7000–11000 cm−1, which has been examined at high resolution with a Fourier transform spectrometer, was found to consist of transitions to very high levels of theA1[formula]state. These are only observed when there is an interaction between theFstate level and anEstate level above the shelf in the potential curve, and occur when either level is excited. Levels up tov= 84, ∼2.5 cm−1below the dissociation limit, have been assigned and the data extend well into the long-range region, up toR∼ 51 Å. An analysis of the data in this region has yielded the following long-range parameters for theA1Σ+state:D0= 9214.68(5) cm−1,De= 9352.27(5) cm−1,C3= 3.580(10) × 105cm−1·Å3,C6= 1.0(2) × 107cm−1·Å6. Based on the results of the analysis of theA1[formula]state data, a value ofDe(X1[formula]) = 8517.03(05) cm−1has been calculated for the dissociation energy of the ground state of6Li2.

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