
ABSTRACT Ernstsen, V.B., Lefebvre, A., Kroon, A. and Niemann, S.L., 2013. Oblique second-order sand transport patterns on an intertidal sand flat in a natural tidal inlet system. In: Conley, D.C., Masselink, G., Russell, P.E. and O'Hare, T.J. (eds.) A detailed digital elevation model (DEM) of an intertidal sand flat in the Knudedyb tidal inlet in the Danish Wadden Sea, derived from high-resolution Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data, reveals a large elongated bedform field with complex bedform morphologies and drainage channel networks. This indicates distinct second-order sand transport pathways oblique to the main tidal transport pathways. A conceptual model for the development of the bedforms and channels is presented, which comprises hypotheses of the hydrodynamic forcing of the different second-order sand transport pathways. During flood tide, sand is transported along ESE-oriented pathways across the intertidal flat towards the inner tidal basin. During the late stages of ebb tide, sand is tran...

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