
The Havre Trough is opening by oblique back-arc rifting which is propagating into the continental margin of New Zealand at the Taupo Volcanic Zone. Variations of deformational style along the rift axis have been investigated by comparison with analogue experiments which incorporate brittle and ductile rheologies and are scaled for gravity. Based on the results of the analogue experiments, we present a tectonic model for oblique rifting in the Havre Trough, which involves the rheological contrast between oceanic and continental lithosphere and the oblique geometry of the continental margin of New Zealand with respect to the regional rift trend. The model shows that the continental margin, which is weaker than both oceanic and continental lithosphere, cannot support large shear stresses. The two lithospheres can be decoupled during extensional events along the marginal shear and, depending on the continental margin orientation, this shear can modify the regional stress field. A heterogeneous stress field will rotate normal stresses to be perpendicular or parallel to the margin. As the two lithospheres decouple during extension, the rift grabens and internal faults of the oblique rift system propagate normal to the marginal shear. This model explains the oblique trend of the Havre Trough's tectonic fabric and its relationships to the Vening Meinesz Fracture Zone which represents the oceanic/continental lithospheric boundary.

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