
Some of the objects from the Medical History Museum, University of Copenhagen, concerned with the century-old Danish Ophthalmological Society are mentioned, together with some objects concerned with our predecessors. Jannik Bjerrum's campimeter at 1-2 m-distance reveals glaucomatous arcuate scotoma. [figure: see text] Marius Tscherning's many scientific papers and his ophthalmophacometer (also measuring accommodation), abberoscope, adaptoscope, colour vision, punctual meniscen spectacle glasses etc. are housed in the Museum. K.K.K. Lundsgaard's spectacle collection and cataract paper, Gordon Norrie's colour vision lantern and his personal pince-nez are described. Gustav Østerberg's contact lens practice and his pictorial visual chart, Jørn Boberg-Ans' pioneer artificial lens surgery dating from 1958, are all examples of the work of members of the Society. From our predecessors, we refer to the first cataract extraction in Denmark in 1670 (F. Borri on a goose); Georg Heuermann's on humans dating from 1755 and the reintroduction of the operation in 1810 by C.C. Withusen, V. Krenchel's (1844-1885) ophthalmoscope with a movable mirror and his colour vision lantern; A. Stadfeldt's instruments for examination of the refractive index of the human lens, MD thesis dating from 1898. In addition, snow goggles from Greenland and eye-baths are described.

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