
Object segmentation, detection and tracking in videos is one of the most important task of computer vision. It is necessary in all of the real time deployed surveillance systems. Various unsupervised and semi-supervised video object segmentation techniques have been implemented and shown efficient results. But all of these techniques process all of the frames of a video sequence, which requires a huge training data and results in a large computational time. In this paper, a semi-supervised technique is proposed which segments an object in a video by just processing a single frame of the sequence. In this framework, a fully convolutional network is used to separate the foreground from the image, create the mask of the object and then segments the object with the help of this mask. The foreground separation in a frame is done by using pre-trained network while, training and testing of rest of the network is done using a specified dataset named as DAVIS. The results show that, the proposed framework takes less computational time and has also improved the overall accuracy of video object segmentation by 10% as compared to previous techniques.

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