
Abstract: Object Detection plays a significant role in today’s era. Object detection plays a crucial role in various applications such as surveillance, medical images, and autonomous vehicles. The primary goal of object detection is to accurately detect the boundaries of objects of interest and classify those objects into predefined categories. In this research paper, we enhanced an object detection technique i.e. Single shot multibox detector (SSD) which is one of the top object detection technique in both aspect accuracy and speed. SSD is an object detection model that predicts object bounding boxes and class probabilities in a single forward pass. It uses multiple feature maps at different scales to cater to various object sizes and aspect ratios.The main contribution of this research is to enhance the accuracy, recall time, precision time and mean average time (mAP). The performance of this object detection technique is improved as the number of feature maps is increases, improved backbone, and enhanced activation functions, additional layers for enhanced detection and loss function modifications. An accuracy of 0.75 indicates that the model correctly predicts the class label for approximately 75% of all objects in the dataset. The enhanced model showed these results: a precision score of 0.75 implies that 75% of the objects identified by the model as positive (detected objects) are indeed true positives. A recall of 0.73 indicates that the model successfully identifies and detects 73% of all positive instances in the dataset. A mAP of 75.25 signifies the average precision across all classes, computed at different IOU thresholds (e.g., 0.5, 0.75).

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