
Obesity is a growing problem, most prevalent in the developed countries, especially US. Childrenand adolescents are gaining weight at a fast pace as compared to their parents. Although, it is verycomplicated to exactly know the cause of obesity, its risk factors, its prevention in different populations,yet, it has been observed that changes in life style and particularly in eating habits has contributed to anincreased obesity incidence globally. These habits include eating junk food, synthetic and bakeryproducts, increased hoteling, increased consumption of meat and unsaturated fats. If we compare theurban and rural regions at a global scale, we may come to know that Obesity and gastrointestinal problemsare more prevalent in urban areas. It also indicates that these disorders are mostly attributed to bad eatinghabits and wrong choices of food which lack nutritional value but cause various disorders.Atleast 2 decades ago, when there was less digitalization and technological advancements, ifpeople consumed high cholesterol diet or meat, they could digest it as they were physically very active.But in these days, there is less physical activity and our digestive systems cannot digest such food.Moreover, junk food may contribute to obesity. No doubt genetics may also has some role which cannotbe denied but the modifiable risk factors can be controlled, monitored and may prevent such disorders.However, global investigations in this regard are direly needed to know the dietary habits and patternsworldwide, their effects in different populations, so that policies may be devised and implemented.Parents are also not aware of a proper healthy pattern that meets the requirements of theirchildren. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Surveys and then awareness campaigns may play apositive role in this regard. Teaching healthy dietary patterns for different age groups at school level mayalso serve the purpose.Ms. Sidra KhalidEditorPakistan Biomedical Journal

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