
Obesity induced by a single intracerebral injection with the carcinogett, 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (NQO), was studied physiologically and histopathologically incomparison with that indtuced by intraperitoneal injection with goldthioglucose (GTG).NQO- and GTG-obese mice showed a more remarkable inc?-ease in body weight thanuntreated cou?tro1s, having exhibited an elevated intake of food and water, as well as anincreased oxygen consumption. The levels of blood glucose ;tncl serum cholesterol weresignificantly higher in fat animals than in controls. There was n?o significant differencein any of these metabolic parautteters between NQO- and GTG-obese animals. It wasevident, however, tltat cerebral lesions were mostly localized in the limbic system (septvxm, psalterium, corpus callosum and hippocampus) in the NQO-obese animals and in tltemiddle regioua of tlte hypothalamus in the GTG-obese animals.

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