
This study examines the compliance of 3 non-Muslim policewomen in three police institutions, in Ditlantas Aceh Regional Police, Jaya Baru and Baiturrahman Sector Police Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia. The main focus of this research is to explore the compliance of the 3 policewomen in wearing the veil uniforms. This research employed a qualitative method by examining case studies. The results of this study indicate that, there are several factors caused the obedience of 3 non Muslim policewomen officers in wearing the veil uniform, namely, first, adjusting to the office environment, second, respecting to the Islamic Sharia, the third, adhering to seniors and commanders. This article put the theory of Bourdieu. It related to compliance in accordance with the socio-cultural Aceh society and although the practice produces a variety of habits and conditions, but these three policewomen feel comfortable. This fact unconciously produce the Doxa, in which generated into an attitude of mutual respect, maintaining the tolerance and harmony for all parties, without distinguishing between ethnicities and the faith. The concept of obedience can be applied to shape the disciplined character, responsible and able to result the peaceful sphere.

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