
The Oakville Formation consists of deposits of a bed-load fluvial system composed of at least four major and several minor rivers that flowed across the Miocene Texas coastal plain. Rivers of the southwestern part of the system transported polymictic sand and gravel containing abundant volcanic clasts; stream deposits of the northeastern area are uniquely rich in reworked carbonate-rock fragments. Structures suggest highly variable to ephemeral flow and extensive development of crevasse splays. Bounding flood-plain muds consist of kaolinitic calcium to sodium montmorillonite. Illite is present locally. Hydrogeology and uranium mineralization are strongly influenced by a broad belt of subjacent Wilcox (Eocene age) growth faults. Mineralization and alteration patterns reflect the complex flow of groundwater within a stratigraphically and structurally compartmentalized aquifer. With evolution of the Oakville aquifer system, faults have acted both as flow boundaries and as loci for intrusion of deep-seated highly reducing brines and shallow meteoric groundwater, further obscuring primary ore-forming processes. Volcanic glass within and possibly above the Oakville provides a probable source for the uranium. End_of_Article - Last_Page 455------------

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