
<h3>Objective</h3> The Wa-Shokuiku–Learn. Cook. Eat Japanese! - food education program aims to: expand participants' palates by teaching how to prepare tasty and healthy dishes using Japanese cuisine techniques, spark discussion about manners, respect towards food and its producers, and discuss major food-related issues such as obesity and food waste and daily actions they can take on the issues. <h3>Use of Theory or Research</h3> Food education serves an important role in establishing healthy eating and lifestyle habits to avoid diet-related diseases. US students receive less than 8 hours of nutrition education each year, far below 40-50 hours that are needed to behavior change according to the survey in 2014. Wa-Shokuiku fills this gap. <h3>Target Audience</h3> K-12 public school students in the U.S in multiple States such as Washington DC, Virginia and California. <h3>Program Description</h3> Wa-Shokuiku is a unique educational program that combines the concepts of Washoku (Japanese cuisine) with Shokuiku (food education). Class models include in-person, online-live and hybrid where students are present together in the classroom and the instructor is streamed live. Japanese food is known as one of the healthiest diets. And Japan is the only country to implement the "Basic Law of Shokuiku" and have comprehensive food education as a mandatory curriculum. We adopted the philosophy of Japanese food education and adjusted the contents and recipes for American students. <h3>Evaluation Methods</h3> Students completed pre and post-class surveys from 2019 to 2021 to indicate skill attainment and behavior change. Pre and post survey results were compared to see the change. <h3>Results</h3> K-12 students who have completed the program improved their ability to identify the components of a healthy meal from 57% to 94% and that a meal should end before overeating from 57% to 76%. Over 96% indicated an intention to continue practicing the skills at home. <h3>Conclusions</h3> The implementation of Wa-Shokuiku programs using various formats such as online-live, hybrid has improved the students' knowledge and behavior on healthy eating. <h3>Funding</h3> Capitol Hill Community Foundation; Itochu International Foundation; SMBC Global Foundation.

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