
This article discusses the scientific and theoretical foundations of government responsibility and analyzes the opinions and results of research by legal scholars in this direction. The article also examines the constitutional and legal practices of foreign countries that are the responsibility of the government from a comparative legal point of view and draws appropriate conclusions. In addition, based on the results of the analysis of the constitutional and legal foundations of the constitutional and legal responsibility of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, theoretical and practical proposals and recommendations were put forward for further improvement of the mechanisms of these foundations. Although the Cabinet of Ministers regulates social relations in the life of the society and is an active participant in these relations, we can evaluate some of them as constitutional-legal relations due to the fact that such relations are carried out on the basis of the main powers of the government defined in the constitution. It is true that the procedure of all the activities of the government and the mechanisms of its implementation are not expressed in the basic law. However, the most basic and general aspects of these relations are established in the constitution. Due to the fact that the issues of responsibility and liability of the government are related to the highest bodies of state power, including the president and the Oliy Majlis, we easily understand it as a constitutional-legal relationship and constitutional-legal responsibility.

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