
Although care is pointed as the essence of the nursing profession, there is a lack of discussion on its meaning in the nursing education. The objective of this study is to identify the meaning of care for graduate students aiming at contributing to a more contextualized teaching. In order to guide the study, we used the concepts of affiliation and membership notion from ethnomethodology. The subjects were students from a state nursing graduation course in Rio de Janeiro. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews taken after group dynamics which objective was to apprehend the way students described care until that moment in their nursing course. We concluded that as students become more involved with nursing they incorporate concepts that contribute to reinforce or to transform their previous experiences and experiences acquired during the graduation course. Therefore, concepts and behaviors are apprehended and reproduced by students as components of their professional identity.


  • ABSTRACT: care is pointed as lhe essence of lhe nursing profession, Ihere is a lack of discussion on its meaning in the nurslng education . lhe objective of this study is to idenlify the meaning of care for graduate studenls aiming at contributing lo a more conlextualized teaching. ln ord er lo guide lhe study, we used lhe concepts of filialion and membership notion from ethnomethodology. lhe subjects were sludents frqm a state nursing graduation course in Rio de Janeiro. lhe data were collected through semi-structuredínterviews taken after group dynamics which Objective was to apprehend lhe way studenls described care until that moment in their nursing course

  • We concluded that as students bec:ome more invoJved with nursing they incorporate concepts Ihat contribule to reinforce ar la transform thelr previous experiences and experiences acquired during lhe graduation course

  • Assim , se compararmos o curso de graduação com uma escala musical , podemos imaginar que a cada disciplina, a cada periocfo , os ~noS apreendem, ouvem uma nota na sua escala de aprendizagem do que seja a essência da Enfermagem - o Cuidado em suas dimensões técnicas, científicas, éticas, estéticas , terapêuticas, mas também em suas dimensões afetivas, emotivas e porque não dizerCrialivas!

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O TOM DO CUIDADO DE ENFERMAGEM PARA ALUNOS DE Emerge uma questão: Qual o tom do cuidado para os alunos que estão cursando a enfermagem?

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