
WHERE TO LOCATE THE LJUBLJANA SKY-SCRAPER? HISTORY OF THE REGIONS OF FORMER YUGOSLAVIA IN HISTORY TEXTBOOKS USED IN SLOVENIA IN THE 20TH CENTURY The paper deals with the presentation and interpretation of history of the regions of ex-Yugoslavia in history textbooks for comprehensive schools used on the territory of present-day Slovenia between 1911 and 2012. The textbooks are an important brick in the construction of collective memory. Their authors are obliged to consider the results of historical science and the age of the pupils as well as the dominating ideologies and cultural values. The latter was all the more important because of the succession of several states and political regimes on the territory of present-day Slovenia during the 20th century and because of profound transformations of Slovenian society. The analysis shows that pupils who went to school between 1920 and 2000 could have gained good knowledge of the past and culture of South Slavs, whereas knowledge provided by textbooks written thereafter is scarce and reduced to the political vicissitudes of the 20th century. The paper identifies major ideologies and suppositions that underlay the presentation and interpretation of certain topics in the textbooks: the national ideology, the feeling of historical injustice, the ideology of the Yugoslav integralism, the ideology of brotherhood and unity, the socialist ideology and the ideology of the reintegration in Europe. Keywords: history textbooks, Slovene comprehensive schools, Yugoslavs, dominant ideologies, cultural values

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