
This paper aims to elucidate the negative understanding of politics (depoliticization) that results from the classic work of Jürgen Habermas about communicative action. The political potential of communicative action that results from political public sphere and the institutionalization of practical and political discourse constitute the leitmotiv of Habermas’s political philosophy. However, the understanding of politics that results from the communicative action presents the problem of limited capacity of realization of a discursive social practice in institutional contexts. The social-integrative power (social integration) of communicative action and the communicative power (power of influence) do not refer directly to the democratic procedures into political-institutional level. The political public sphere, as it defends the lifeworld in relation to systemic imperatives of power and money, it is not directly linked to institutional complexes and, therefore, it can only “besiege them”. This deficit of institutionalization undermines the political public sphere model (the potential political discourse in a communicative public sphere) that results from the theoretical framework of Theorie. Consequently, the “defensive” vision of politics undermines Habermas’ emancipatory project, because it does not expand the areas submitted to social and communicative rationality and does not open communicative channels for inflows in the political-administrative system. From the perspective of the theory addressed to emancipation (as is Habermas’ theory) these defensive movements, although they are important, are not sufficient, because defending it only does not expand the social areas in which the communicative understanding predominates. This is the reason for critical discourses and posterior need of reformulations.


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  • This paper aims to elucidate the negative understanding of politics that results from the classic work of Jürgen Habermas Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns (1981)

  • The political potential of communicative action presents the problem of limited capacity of realization of a discursive social practice in institutional contexts

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Resumo: O artigo tem o objetivo de elucidar a compreensão negativa de política que resulta da clássica obra de Jürgen Habermas Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns (1981). O potencial político da ação comunicativa apresenta o problema da restrita capacidade de efetivação de uma prática social discursiva nos contextos institucionais. A esfera pública política, ao defender o mundo da vida frente aos imperativos sistêmicos do poder e dinheiro, não está ligada diretamente aos complexos institucionais e, por isso, pode apenas “sitiá-los”. A visão “defensiva” de política compromete o projeto emancipatório de Habermas, pois não amplia os domínios sociais submetidos à racionalidade comunicativa e não abre canais para influxos comunicativos no sistema político-administrativo. Do ponto de vista de uma teoria dirigida à emancipação, estes movimentos defensivos, por mais importantes que sejam, não são suficientes, porque apenas se defender não expande os domínios sociais em que predomina o entendimento comunicativo. 15-06-2012/Aprovado: 20-04-2013/Publicado on-line: 29-09-2013. 2 Jorge Adriano Lubenow é Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brasil

Jorge Adriano Lubenow
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