
According to Koch (2004), the text became the proper place for interaction, by mean of it the subjects interact, and so they use the linguistic resources available by language as a series of strategies which functions are guidelines or signals in the sense orientation. On such a perspective, the referenciation process, as a linguistic resource that operates not only in the textual progression but also in the discursive orientation, is a strategic choosing undertaken by the text author. Based on those considerations, this paper proposes an analysis on the reference process of associative anaphors in the chronicle “A cigarra e a formiga: a nova versao”, of Moacyr Scliar, published by the journal A Folha de Sao Paulo. This research, still in the beginning, intends to analyze the reference web constitution given by the associative anaphors, as a linguistic and discursive resource, strategically undertaken by the text author for the sense building. For that, the studies of Zamponi (2003), Koch (2004, 2006), Marcuschi (2005, 2007), and others were employed as theoretical support to an analysis that understands the reference process as a creative and strategic work that wants the sense building and, from the given humoristic bias to the narrated fact in its recreation by mean of the chronicle.

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