
From the beginning of his research work Professor Grzegorz Leopold Seidler emphasized the need to study the real aspect of law. The starting point for a lawyer should always be the law, but in his/her studies s/he should not be content with the dogmatic method but should go beyond the circle of thought by using the sociological method. These ideas are contained already in one of the first studies by Professor G.L. Seidler Rozwazania o normie ustrojowej (The Reflections on the Political Norm) and they are further developed in the next publications, in particular in the article W poszukiwaniu systemu wszechstronnej analizy prawa (In Search of a System of In-Depth Analysis of Law). The two foregoing studies are methodological. They present conceptions that should without doubt be regarded as innovative ideas. The Reflections… permit conclusions not confined only to the way of practicing the science of constitutional law but also to jurisprudence as a whole, which should discern relationships between law and social reality.


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