
In the early 60s, the National Congress witnessed one of the most instigated debates of its political history: on the agenda, the reforms proposed by the Government of Joao Goulart, especially the agrarian reform. As this reform put some interests in risk, it was seen with extreme hostility by the majority of the Representatives of the opposition parties – most of them were members of the National Democratic Party (Uniao Democratica Nacional – UDN): representing the interests of the conservative sector of Brazilian society, the National Democratic Party was the main party involved in the conspiracy against Joao Goulart, who would fall on March 31 1964. Considering the polemical issue of the agrarian reform, the aim of this research is to analyse the simulacrum built by the discourse of the National Democratic Party against the discourse of the Government of Goulart about the agrarian reform. This simulacrum was based on the defence of the private land property and the market economy. Focusing on this, we selected, as a corpus, a declaration written by Aliomar Baleeiro, Pedro Aleixo, and Ernani Satyro, conservative members of the National Democratic Party. These Representatives made this declaration in May 1963 to justify their vote against the Constitutional Amendment I (Emenda Constitucional n 1) proposed by the Government of Goulart, whose objective was to set the agrarian reform through constitutional changes. Representing the conservative position, this document refuted the government position for the agrarian reform project. Our investigation was structured under the rubric of French Discourse Analysis, mobilizing the concepts of discursive formation, interdiscourse, “intercomprehension”, polyphony, polemic, and simulacrum. Beyond this, the Argumentative Semantics mobilized two linguistic indices – negation and but – used to analyse the corpus. This analysing process leaded us to the argumentative strategies used by the discourse of UDN, under the rubric of the economic liberalism, to deny the government position for the agrarian reform. In other words, the discourse of UDN evokes the voices for the agrarian reform to refute and to reduce them to its own perspective.

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