
In Boff’s view, the Christian God, the God of life, is always the Trinity of Persons: the fellowship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The concept of perichoresis is intrinsically related to the biblical concepts of fellowship, love and life, since the dynamic interpenetration between the Persons of the Trinity is the result of the love and life that constitute the essence of the Trinity. The Trinity is viewed as a model and inspiration for the organization of society and the struggles for justice and human life. In contrast with Leonardo Boff, in Martin Luther’s view the love of the triune God is revealed in the powerlessness and hiddenness of the Crucified. Jesus of Nazareth’s death on the cross was truly the death of God. God takes on the form of a servant, but does not cease to be God and Lord. It is rather in God’s condescendence, when God goes out of Godself and dwells amonghumans, that we find the demonstration of God’s love.

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