
Ito EE. “The Training Hospital Nurses’ perception about Curriculum Period of Training”. Sao Paulo. 2005. 98 p. Dissertation of master degree. Escola de Enfermagem. Universidade de Sao Paulo. The theme of the study is the hospital nurses’ perception about Curriculum Period of a Undergraduate Nursing Course developed in the work unities of a Training Hospital. The general objective of the research was to know the hospital nurses’ perceptions regarding to the Curriculum Period of Training developed in their work unity and the specific objectives were: to know the hospital nurses perception regarding their role in the Curriculum Period of Training students training; to know the influence that the students bring to the work unity where is accomplished the reported training; to identify the factors that make easy and make difficult the nurse diary activities with the presence of the students in training; to know the nurses perception regarding the training structure and improvement suggestions for this discipline development in a hospital and to cooperate for the improvement of training development accomplished in health institutions. In the study, we denominate the “Curriculum Period of Training” as the last discipline that the student develop in the Undergraduate Nursing Course, offered in the last semester of the course, it has a broad schedule and indirect attendance and supervision of the teacher responsible for the discipline and the student keep direct and constant contact with the hospital nurses’ of the unity where he accomplishes the training. Regarding the methodological outline, it was an exploratory study, descriptive with qualitative boarding. The research was developed in a hospital distinguished as a teaching hospital, philanthropic, general and located in Sao Paulo city. The subjects of the study were 12 social nurses which followed students in Curriculum Period of Training. The data were collected by interview using a guide containing open questions, which were recorded and transcribed in totality. The technique used to infer the results was based on the Bardin (1977) content analysis. The results of this study revealed that most of the hospital nurses’ recognize their role as educator of the Nursing students training in the Curriculum Period of training. The nurses consider that the students bring positive influence for the unities where the training is accomplished, mainly regarding the introduction of new knowledge for the professionals and for the sector. The interviewed ones also express that either for the factors that make easy or for the factors that make difficult the nurse activities development in the unity with the student presence, it is mentioned the importance of this student characteristic. According to the most of the nurses’ perception the training structure is suitable; however, they suggest some actions for the discipline development improvement in hospital unities. We believe that this research achieved a thought about the importance of the involvement and effective participation of all the actors involved in the nursing professional training process, which means, the teacher, the student and the hospital nurses’, especially for the discipline development of Curriculum Period of Training. Such fact, certainly, will make possible a teaching of quality much better and more interactive education/service.

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