
U članku se donosi osvrt na život i rad Zdenka Brusića, uglednog hrvatskog arheologa. Zdenko Brusić rođen je u Šibeniku 1938. godine. Bio je kustos u arheološkoj zbirci u Ninu, zatim u Muzeju grada Šibenika, a potom i u Arheološkom muzeju Zadar kojemu je bio i ravnateljem. Godine 1998. postaje profesorom prapovijesne arheologije na Odsjeku za arheologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Zadru (danas Sveučilište u Zadru). Umirovljen je 2003. u zvanju redovitog profesora. Umire u Zadru 2014. godine. Doprinos Zdenka Brusića arheologiji u Hrvatskoj je golem, a posebno će biti upamćen kao jedan od začetnika hrvatske podvodne arheologije.


  • The paper focuses on life and work of Zdenko Brusić, respected Croatian archaeologist

  • Zdenko Brusić was born in Šibenik in 1938. He was curator in archaeological collection in Nin and in the Šibenik City Museum. He became a curator in Archaeological museum Zadar

  • He finished elementary school in Privlaka near Zadar and Nin. He attended grammar school in Zadar (1953 – 1957). He graduated at the study of archaeology as single-major study in 1963 at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb where he obtained master’s degree in 1973 with the thesis Eneolit i rano brončano doba na sjeverozapadnom Balkanu (Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age in the northwestern Balkans)

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The paper focuses on life and work of Zdenko Brusić, respected Croatian archaeologist. Doprinos Zdenka Brusića arheologiji u Hrvatskoj je golem, a posebno će biti upamćen kao jedan od začetnika hrvatske podvodne arheologije.

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