
* This project is the continuation of another one was executed from February 2001 to January 2002 through financing by FAPESP (scientific grant initiation number 00/11890-7) ** Student attending the graduation course of Nursing at the EEUSP School of Nursing.. Scholarship Student PIBIC/CNPq/ USP (2002-3). Member of the research group of in Child Day Care Centers and Child Registered in the Directory of Research Groups of the CNPq version 5.0 *** Supervisor of the research. Professor in the area of child health at EEUSP, Coordinator of the research group Child Day Care Centers and Child Health . Registered in the Directory of Research Groups of the CNPq version 5.0 In troduct ion and j u s t i f i c a t i o n : t he child has to have good caring and educational conditions if its development is to be adequate. This means t ha t ins t i tu t ions for child education (nurseries and pre-schools) mus t also be involved in the supervision and advancement to the development. The situation of children looked after in nurseries / pre-schools is especially important since they stay there dur ing most of their first childhood: 12.500 h. over a 5-year period considering an estimated 50 weeks of 50 hours each.Object ive: Evaluate annually the development of the language and personalsocial areas of the children a t t end ing nurser ies with good-quality a t tendance .Methodology: study of cohort to be under taken in three nurseries located in the city of Sao Paulo, in which the same assessment had been made in 2001. The group had been formed with 33 children from 0 to 36 months who fulfilled the general requi rements of having a known gestational age, with no congenital malformations, nor being foreigners (due to language evaluation). For the children's ' evaluation, the Denver II test was and will continue being used. This ins t rument is being considered adequate for the identification of even the slightest development problems. The data analysis shall be made by non-parametrical methods Ethical Care: the project has already been analyzed and approved by the EEUSP Ethics Committee and writ ten agreement obtained from the nurser ies in which the research shall be made. S c h e d u l e : The foreseen deadline for termination is July 2003.

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