
This paper deals with moral damages in case of slanderous denunciation of members of the PMDF in service act. Such an approach is necessary because of the large number of false accusations against military police officers that, invariably, in addition to causing damage to the military police in their private and professional life, causes serious damage to the Institution that has its image before the society shaken by function Of these false accusations, and these damages are not always repaired correctly either by the whistleblower or by the press. The objective is to analyze the moral damage caused to the PMDF in the case of slanderous denunciation against its members and to verify the possibility of filing the pertinent judicial action with the purpose of repairing such damages and with the main intention of not only preserving its image but , Above all, to prevent further slanderous denunciations. This task will be achieved through bibliographical and jurisprudential review. The study showed that the corporation can seek compensation for damages in the judicial sphere just as it does to repair material damages.

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