
Based on the categories of witness and experience, the article examines the prison literature genre. Current research investigates a possible shift of paradigm in recent Brazilian literature produced by prisoners or former prisoners, and tries to analyze the theoretical, discursive and historical conditions on these writings. Their most striking feature is the presence of an enunciating subject called ‘convict’ in contrast to the ‘political prisoner’, the central figure of prison literature stemming from dictatorial contexts.


  • Based on the categories of witness and experience, the article examines the prison literature genre

  • Current research investigates a possible shift of paradigm in recent Brazilian literature produced by prisoners

  • most striking feature is the presence of an enunciating subject called

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Aulus Mandagará Martins

Pelas categorias de testemunho e experiência, é proposto neste artigo a análise do ‘gênero’ literatura de cárcere; investiga uma possível virada de paradigma na recente literatura brasileira produzida por prisioneiros ou ex-prisioneiros, procurando refletir sobre as condições teóricas, discursivas e históricas em torno desses escritos, cuja característica mais marcante é a presença de um sujeito enunciador entendido como ‘preso comum’, em oposição ao ‘preso político’, figura central da literatura de cárcere oriunda de contextos políticos de exceção. The body and the voice of confinement: witness and experience in prison literature

Testemunho e experiência
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