
The interaction between the human and canine species is increasingly increasing and there is a strong link between both species. This relationship, in addition to bringing benefits, can also bring harm and harm animal welfare. Behavioral problems are caused by a series of factors whose roots lie in interactions with the guardian and lack of knowledge about the canine species and their needs, which directly affect the animal's quality of life and weaken the man-dog relationship. In this sense, the objective of this study is to understand positive dog training in addition to the basic commands, understanding it as a way of raising awareness and education of the family about the real needs of the canine species, promoting well-being, an effective way to treat behavioral anxiety disorders. In the methodology, behavioral assessments and positive training techniques were used systematically, together with the family-animal-environment triad, in order to reduce and modify the negative behaviors of the animals. The results were positive, since the animals responded well to the proposed exercises, with the greatest difficulty being the engagement of the tutor in behavioral therapy, as well as the commitment on the responsibility of daily animal education; it is noted that the owner represents both the triggering element of the problem and the therapeutic agent. It can be concluded from this work that positive dog training is quite effective in the treatment of behavioral anxiety disorders, for promoting well-being, the best healthy relationship of animals with their guardians, the environment that surrounds them and the interaction with other people and animals. Because it is a behavioral treatment, execution time is necessary to obtain lasting results. However, the family's awareness and education regarding respect for canine behaviors, their needs and temperaments is also necessary so that there is no stress in the relationship that can trigger anxiety disorders.


  • PUBVET v.12, n.4, a61, p.1-9, 2018 knowledge about the canine species and their needs, which directly affect the animal's quality of life and weaken the man-dog relationship

  • The results were positive, since the animals responded well to the proposed exercises, with the greatest difficulty being the engagement of the tutor in behavioral therapy, as well as the commitment on the responsibility of daily animal education; it is noted that the owner represents both the triggering element of the problem and the therapeutic agent

  • It can be concluded from this work that positive dog training is quite effective in the treatment of behavioral anxiety disorders, for promoting well-being, the best healthy relationship of animals with their guardians, the environment that surrounds them and the interaction with other people and animals

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Material e Métodos

Serão abordados neste trabalho dois casos de cães com distúrbio de ansiedade. O primeiro caso trata-se de um paciente da raça Bulldog Francês, fêmea, de 1 ano, pesando 10kg que foi atendida no dia 22 de fevereiro de 2017, onde a queixa principal relatada pelo tutor era a agitação excessiva, a destruição dos objetos da casa como portas, paredes, armários, mesas e calçados, hiper apego a figura do dono, vocalização excessiva para barulhos, na chegada e saída do tutor e nos passeios. Foi realizada uma avaliação comportamental com observação do comportamento da cadela, das condições de criação do ambiente onde ela vive e da sua interação com os outros membros da família, a fim de entender o que está incomodando todos na casa. Além disso foi questionado o que o tutor espera da cadela, sua rotina, a relação da fêmea com outros animais e o comportamento desta em seu ambiente natural. Enfatizou que o comportamento que mais incomodava era as vocalizações excessivas e a agitação extrema nos passeios, onde as cadelas puxavam bastante a guia e demostravam agressividade com outros animais na rua, demonstrando ser uma atividade muito estressante para as cadelas. Nesse caso também foi instituído o tratamento com o adestramento positivo e modelagem comportamental

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