
Abstract Introduction Review of vasectomy reversal cases operated in the Urology department of HUPE. From January 2012 to January 2023, 61 vasectomy reversals were performed at Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto to correct obstructive azoospermia, with patients' ages ranging from 33 to 70 years and vasectomy time ranging from 2 to 15 years. Patients, except those who did not return for followup despite instructions, were followed up on an outpatient basis with sperm analysis 30 days after surgery and then every six months until the end of follow-up. Among the 42 patients who maintained outpatient follow-up (68% of the total), our casuistry presents 31 reverted patients (73% of this group), that is, with viable spermatozoa present in the spermogram. Of these, 4 patients managed to generate a pregnancy (12% of the reverted ones), with children still alive to date, 5 are no longer trying for personal reasons (16% of the reverted ones), and 22 are still trying (70% of the reverted ones). 11 patients were unsuccessful in reversal (26% of those who followed up). 19 patients lost outpatient follow-up (32% of the total). Objectives To observe the epidemiology of operated patients, analyzing the effectiveness of the procedure and understanding the fate of operated patients. Methods Work without control group, case series. Results High reversal rate, but with a low pregnancy rate and significant rate of loss to outpatient followup. Conclusion Through the analytical observation of epidemiology, outline conducts mainly regarding the outpatient follow-up of patients, given the high rate of loss to follow-up. Financing No conflict.

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