
Abstract Study question What is the impact of providing couples with their IVF-prognosis on expectations and anxiety in women and men on the day of embryo transfer? Summary answer Only couples with a less than average IVF-prognosis updated their high expectations and IVF-prognosis was negatively associated with anxiety, especially in women. What is known already Female IVF-patients are known to expect a pregnancy rate per IVF-cycle of no less than 49-55%. Qualitative interviews and a survey showed that well informed women expect unrealistically high pregnancy rates as they think that their (family’s) fertility and their clinic is better than average. Several prognostic models have recently been published. The adapted van Loendersloot model including clinical and laboratory characteristics proved performant for our clinic (AUC=0.74) and was validated internally (Devroe et al, BMJ Open, 2020). The impact of providing couples with their IVF-prognosis on expectations and wellbeing of female and male patients has yet to be studied. Study design, size, duration A prospective survey, questioning a final sample of 148 partnered individuals, completing their 2nd-6th IVF-cycle (2019-2020) in a University clinic, on the days of oocyte aspiration (OA) and fresh embryo transfer (ET). Thirty other partnered individuals declined participation (participation rate=85%) and 26 were excluded due to ET-cancellation. The IVF-prognosis (live birth rate, LBR, per completed IVF-cycle including fresh and frozen ETs from the same ovarian stimulation) was calculated with the adapted van Loendersloot model. Participants/materials, setting, methods Each partner reported their perception of their expected IVF-LBR on a visual analogue scale on the day OA. After being informed on their IVF-prognosis by gynaecologists, they re-rated their expected IVF-LBR and filled out the reliable ‘STAI-State-Anxiety Inventory’ on the day of fresh ET. Linear mixed models, taking account of partnering and assessing the association with gender, explored whether individuals updated their expected IVF-LBR after receiving their IVF-prognosis and whether IVF-prognosis and anxiety were associated. Main results and the role of chance The mean IVF-prognosis was 30.9% (±16.8). The 148 partnered individuals had a mean expected IVF-LBR of 59.1% (±20.0) on the day of OA (no gender effect; p = 0.079). After being informed on their IVF-prognosis (day of ET), women’s and men’s mean expected IVF-LBR was 50.9% (±24.5) and 58.1% (±22.1), respectively (gender effect; p = 0.002). Linear mixed models, including couple and time as random factors, did not show an effect of time on expected IVF-LBRs (p = 0.15). Although women were more likely than men to update their expected IVF-LBR (p = 0.002), the updates were not significantly different from the IVF-LBR expected on the day of OA (p = 0.10). Women were more anxious than men (41.5±10.6 and 21.9±7.2, respectively, p < 0.001) after being given their IVF-prognosis. Linear mixed models, including couple as a random factor, showed an association between IVF-prognosis and anxiety (p = 0.016), especially in women (gender effect; p = 0.004). Subgroup analysis showed that partnered individuals with lower than average prognoses (n = 78) did update their expected IVF-LBR (p = 0.036) while others (n = 70) did not update their expected IVF-LBR (p = 0.761). Among the subgroup with lower prognoses women were more likely to update their expected IVF-LBR than men (p = 0.013), while no gender effect was observed among the subgroup with higher IVF-prognoses (p = 0.078). Limitations, reasons for caution This is an explorative study in preparation of an adequately powered randomized controlled trial, testing whether couples who are informed on their IVF-prognosis update their expected IVF-LBR and whether this causes anxiety, as compared to care as usual in which couples are not informed on their IVF-prognosis. Wider implications of the findings Men and especially women with a less than average prognosis update their IVF-expectations after having received this prognosis which may trigger anxious reactions. These findings should be re-examined in an RCT. Following up the effect of sharing IVF-prognoses on longer-term distress and IVF-discontinuation would be interesting. Trial registration number not applicable

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